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Pre-arrangements offer both peace of mind and locks in today's prices. At a difficult time, pre-arrangements relieve the family members of stressful decisions. In addition, pre-arrangements ensure that your wishes will be fulfilled.

The following form contains all the information that you will need to complete a pre-arrangement. You may fill in all or part of it now to expedite your pre-arrangement. If you do not choose to do so now, please bring the information with you to your appointment. Please contact us at (916) 371-4535 to set up your appointment.

Your Personal Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Zip code:
Spouse's Full Name:
Spouse's Maiden Name:
Place of Marriage:
Date of Marriage(mm/dd/year):
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Mother's Maiden Name:

Military Record Information
Branch of Service:
Serial Number:
Enlistment Date:(mm/dd/year)
Rank at Discharge:
Discharge Date:(mm/dd/year)
Location of Discharge File:
Do you have a copy of your discharge papers:  Yes:    No:
Name of Wars:

Work and Educational Biography
Number of Years of Schooling:(0-16+)
Name of High School:
Name of College(s):
Name of Company or Business:

Funeral Service Pre-Arrangement Plan
Location of Service(if any):
Type of Burial:
Name of Church(if having church service):
Person Responsible for Final Arrangements:
Name of Cemetery:
Location of Cemetery:
Phone Number of Cemetery:
Section of Cemetery:

Special Instructions To Be Carried Out
Names of Casket Bearers (6) 1.
Types of Flowers Preferred:
Clothing for Calling Hours:
Other Instructions:
Fill out form and bring with you.


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River Cities Funeral Chapel (West Sacramento, CA. License #: FD1082)